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3 Paths to Illuminate Your Journey
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Introduction to Gnosis
Gnosis has risen from the ashes of the past like a phoenix. Yet, the eternal wisdom is being lost in the hype. Gain an understanding of true gnosis in this email series — and gain the wisdom to achieve your spiritual destiny.
Sample topics include:
- What do Gnostics believe
- Who is the Gnostic God?
- Was Jesus a Gnostic?
- How did they awaken?
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Cult Therapy Journey
Were you in a cult or other high-control relationship? Getting over getting conned by narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths can be extremely challenging. Some people never heal. I found a way that I’m sharing in this course.
Sample topics include:
- Will the pain ever stop?
- What is cult trauma?
- How do I get myself back?
- What healing path is best?
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A Thousand Little Awakenings
If awakening from the maya dream were easy, everyone would be doing it. Yet, most of us remain asleep in the vast sea of consciousness. Awakening isn’t one big thing. It’s a thousand little things. Are you ready for this journey?
Sample topics include:
- Where did we come from?
- Where are we going?
- Why are we here?
- What is the ideal path?
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